Daily Archives: July 7, 2011

Bored and Dusty

Caramel Dean poofed out her lips and sucked them back in. Poofed them back out. Sucked them back in.

“Booooored!” she growled.

Caramel looked to her left. Just an empty, dusty street. To her right, the milktoast gentleman with whom she’d tried to strike a conversation with twenty minutes prior. He glanced nervously at her with the corner of his eye. She gave him a withering enough look to make a Rotty go tummy up.

Then she smiled.

Then she pushed him off the bench.

The man’s name was Chance and he had a dusty and sore bottom. Now, most people would have said something like “What’d you do that for?” at the very least. If they were having an especially bad or good day, they might even push her right back. If they had a proclivity to violence, they might slap Caramel. If they were ladykillers in the other sense, they might start making out with her then and there.

Caramel would have welcomed any response at all, but she didn’t account for the fact that Chance had no spine.

When Chance was a child, he tended to play with his sister’s dolls. When some of the neighborhood kids tore their heads off, he played with headless dolls. When his parents became worried and took those away, he merely sat and stared at the wall most of the day. In college, his councilors forgot to tell him he graduated. He took classes for an extra year.

So, it was not so unusual for Chance to dust off his rear and sit back down in his spot, swallowing heavily as Caramel looked him over.

She poofed her lips out and snuffed through her nose. Then she rested her head on his lap and rested, at least until the bus came. Chance stayed extra still so he wouldn’t disturb her.

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Filed under Flash Fiction, Session XXIV

Black pen on napkins. Red pen on paper.

I’m not sure if Edren is a very wise man or a very foolish man. He gave me these napkins with the knowledge that I post everything I put in my pocket. Here we go:

Lady with
The glasses
I think we should
Be friends
For tonight
Maybe tomorrow
And, if you like
My jokes
To next year

She’s got a boyfriend
From what I hear
From the people
Sitting next to her
And from her toes
But her eyes
Say single
And thirsty for
A shot

You fucked my friend
From what stories
From his face
In backyard cigarettes
And empty beer cans
You’re unfuckable
My friend
Has fucked my
Ex girlfriends
That makes you
Next Tuesday

and here’s my shit:

My brain
punched out
its last ticket
to Timbucktoo.
if I know
where timbucktoo is
but I think that’s really
how Brain
wants it.

Red lightning
on the T.V.
Get that bitch
out of the way.
I’m trying
to watch
tomorrow’s highs.

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Filed under Session XXIV