Daily Archives: October 15, 2009

The Phantom Rave

Deep in the underbelly of New Orleans, there exists a haunted basement beneath a bar that specialized in Cajun cuisine. This building is now abandoned and in terrible disrepair even four years after the events of Hurricane Katrina. The bodies found down there were drowned and trampled, discovered with glowsticks and ecstasy pills floating on the water below like a host of wading spirits. These were ravers, once, but the locals say that they still haunt that basement.

Loud acid and house beats can be heard at street level late at night. People walking by say that they feel something rubbing up against their arms or feeling their coats. One woman heard the sound of a pacifier sucking loudly in her ear, and a few people reported sightings of flashing lights, like floating glowstick being tossed around. They call this anomaly “the phantom rave.”

So far, these phantom ravers have never hurt anyone. Children sometimes go to the building on dares and local stoners stop by to see if they can catch a supernatural light show. During the day, when the ghosts are not around, people still whisper quietly around the building. Some leave flowers or cards or raving paraphenalia. It has become a spiritual place, a raving Mecca for some who travel from around the world to witness the phenomenon for themselves.

Some say the ravers are angry at the government and rave in protest. Others say that they are caught in some kind of limbo or Hell, forced to do the sinful things they did in life. Still other claim that both of these views are way off the mark: they’re simply raving because they love to rave.

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Filed under Flash Fiction, Session XII