Daily Archives: October 5, 2009

Wise Man Words

“There’s something right with the world today. And everybody knows it’s wrong,” said the wise man from the top of the mountain. He sat at the cliffside; his wide voice echoed through the canyon.

Below, people shielded their ears from the din. Some people’s eyes exploded. They became the new Untouchables, to lead an uprising against the aristocracy 30 years later. The blind leading the blind. Other people’s ears exploded. They went on with life as normal.

Most other people heard the voice but didn’t understand the words. Scientists went to their labs. Some braved the treacherous mountain but only one guy came back down because he was hungry. He said he’d seen the wise man, but everybody knew he hadn’t.

The truly fortunate were the ones who didn’t care. At least this is what many believe. They became masters of the universe, crawling up their towers made of corpses and expensive cheese. That is, until the blind began firing on them. The blind have a tendency to do that.

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Filed under Flash Fiction, Session XII